PropertyNir Documentation

PropertyNir - Smart Property Investment Platform

PropertyNir is a Smart property investment platform. PropertyNir is Built on advanced PHP Laravel technology. It’s a website for investment that can be used for property purposes.

PropertyNir available 2 features with Deposits, Investment Property ( Deposits: The user can deposit the balance into their account and then invest by using the balance in any property of their choice. ) And (Investment Property: the user will be able to invest directly in the property of his choice. )

Users can get the Signup Bonus for registering to the website and they also can earn to referral. It has various referral levels to get the referral commission.

The user will be able to withdraw his account balance, and the user's profit, bonus, and referral commission, will all be deposited in the user account, if the user wants, he can withdraw his balance directly OR invest by using the balance in any property of their choice. It is SEO friendly, architectural and secure website.

It has a very eye-catching dynamic theme for frontend, user Dashboard and Admin Dashboard. If you are looking for a Property investment website that will gear up your business to the next level then PropertyNir will be the right choice for you.

You can enjoy lots of features along with payment gateways and real-time in-app notifications. We can say that this is the script for which you are looking to start your Property investment business. All the websites and features are managed by the admin.

Support: Email:


Frequently Asked Questions About Server

Question 1: Question: Do I need VPS OR a Dedicated server to run this platform ?
Answer: No, this platform will function properly even if you run it on a shared host. However, you might need to update your server or hosting if you receive a lot of traffic. To guarantee optimal performance, our programs are extensively optimized.

Question 2: Which hosting provider should I choose for this? Do you have any suggestions ?
Answer: Any hosting company that offers cPanel-based hosting is an option for you. Although it is not required, we advise you to choose hosting that is based on cPanel.

Question 3: I don't have cPanel, What should I do?
Answer: Don't worry; our system may be used with any control panel. However, because cPanel is simple to use, we suggest hosting that is based on it. Additionally, our free support is only available for hosting that uses cPanel.

Question 4: If I failed to install Do you support installing?
Answer: Yes, no worries. We'll help you finish the installation.

Built With PropertyNir

Created with the future in mind

  • using Bootstrap, Laravel, and jQuery—the greatest, most secure, user-friendly, and future-proof stack available.

Server Requirements


  • PHP version Minimum PHP Version 8.2
  • MySQL Version 5.7+ or MariaDB version 10.2+
  • BCMATH PHP Extension
  • CTYPE PHP Extension
  • FILEINFO PHP Extension
  • JSON PHP Extension
  • MBSTRING PHP Extension
  • OPENSSL PHP Extension
  • PDO PHP Extension
  • PDO_MYSQL PHP Extension
  • TOKENIZER PHP Extension
  • XML PHP Extension
  • CURL PHP Extension
  • GD PHP Extension

Installation Process

Please read through the whole installation section carefully. You can install this web application with a few easy steps.

All steps are demonstrated part by part below.

cPanel File uplode all steps

Access your Cpanel account and login in with your credentials. Then go to File Manager.

Go to public_html folder.

Click on the Upload button. Then go to File upload option . You can see in this type screen and upload your file

Upload the file: Upload The Zip File To The Server You Have Downloaded From Downlod After Purchase.
Extract/Unzip: Upload the zip file to the extract/unzip the file and move all files inside files folder to the main folder(where you want to install it). Most likely "public_html" will be your root folder on your cPanel enabled server. Make sure you have moved the ( asset, core, install, .htaccess and index.php ) as well.

CPanel Create a Fresh New Database and username password

You can easily create a database and user using the Database Wizard. Just follow my steps.

Create the database using Database Wizard, click on the Database Wizard.

Fill the database name and click on the Next Step button.

note down: You must note down the database name . it will be need when installing the website.

Fill the username and passoword then click on the Create User button.

note down: You must note down the database username and password . it will be need when installing the website.

Checked ALL PRIVILEGES and then click on the Next Step button.

Congratulations! You have successfully configured the database. Please remember the database credentials, as they will be needed when you install the PropertyNir script.

Search by typing your server PHP version in the search option and select PHP version 8.2.

You can install propertynir yourself simply in 3 steps without any coding knowledge

Please Reload your domain URL and then you will see this screen

Extract/Unzip: Upload the zip file to the extract/unzip the file and move all files inside files folder to the main folder(where you want to install it). Most likely "public_html" will be your root folder on your cPanel enabled server. Make sure you have moved the ( asset, core, install, .htaccess and index.php ) as well.

You need to fill the server requirements and enable the extensions then click on the Next Step button.

You need to fill the server file permissions on your server then click on the Next Step button.

You will need to fill in the database information and click on the Install Now button.

hostname: cPanel-based hosting you can type the hostname: localhost

PropertyNir installing video cPanel and hostinger hosting panel

Watch Video:Please watch in this video the whole installation section carefully. You can install this application with few easy steps.

Admin Login Access

Admin Access: type your domain url/admin/login || Example:
Email: enter your email
Password: enter your password

Important: If you feel complexity with any of the steps, please connect with us

Admin Dashboard

Cron Jobs

Access your admin Dashboard account and login in with your credentials :

First, log in to your website admin dashboard and copy the cron URL. Then login to your cPanel base server and search for the cron job. Paste the link by setting the time as per your wish. If there are custom options then select custom. If not then paste the link directly and select the time as per your wish and update it.

Copy the curl Url from Admin Dashboard and paste this in server > cron jobs

Cron Jobs add server video

Please watch in this video the whole cron add your server section carefull

Important: ✓ After installation you definetly need to setup cronjobs first.


From here, you may control all of the fundamental data on the website. In the Dashboard admin can see the website overview: Total invest , Total Pending invest, Total Interest Amount, Total User, Total Active User, Total Deactived User, Total Withdraw, Total pending withdraw, latest user, and Active gateways.

Manage referral

This a program that manages affiliate referrals, and here you can make multi-level referral commissions. You can set the referral level up to a maximum of 5. just input how many levels you want. Then click on the Generate button and you will be able to see the levels then set the level Investment Commission and Interest Commission as you wish. After typing the commission percentage, click the Create button and it will be automatically set up. If you want to keep the commission on or off, you can turn it on or off by clicking the button above.

Manage schedule

In this option actually ,time a period of interest back time. Here you can set a new time as you wish or you can edit it. Of course, it will be calculated in hours, For example, suppose you have set the time name to one day, then you will end the time in hours with 24 hours. Because we know that one day is equal to 24 hours. ( Time name: one day and Time in hours 24 ) Suppose you want to make a yearly return, then you have to give the number of hours in a year as the time in hours. ( Time name: yearly and Time in hours 8760 )

Manage Property

In the Manage Property section, From the property option, you can create unlimited property of your choice and customize all the information as you wish. And Edit Property all Information as you wish.

  • Property Information: Living Room, Bathroom, Total Space, Car Parking etc
  • Amount = It Could be a range system example. 10$ to 100$ or could be fixed Amount example: 50000$.
  • Property name = make your desired Property name.
  • Return / Interest (Every Time) = This is the interest amount.
  • Return For = Period means how many times the customer will get the profit. Lifetime means the customer will get the profit for the entire life.
  • Capital Back = This option is for the total invested amount that would be backed or not this option manages.
  • Status = You can enable or disable it anytime.

Manage Users

There are three options in the Manage Users option: All Users, Active Users, Deactive Users , All Users option will show all users Active Deactive , Active Users option will show only Active Users , Deactive users option will show only Deactive users .

Each user has two buttons available, one is the edit button and the other is the Login as user buttons.

After clicking on the edit button, you will be able to see the user details page from where you can add or Subtract the balance of the user account and edit all the personal information of the user, such as name, phone number, country code, state, or if you want, you can Inactive or active the user.

By clicking the Login as user button, you can visit that user dashboard.

User Interest Log

In the User Interest Log option, you can see all records of when a user has received interest, or you can search for a specific user to see their interest-received records.

User commission Log

In the User Commission Log option, you can see all records of when a user has received a commission, or you can search for a specific user to see their commission-received records. And you can see which user received the commission from which user and on what date.

Property Review

All user reviews will be submitted to the Reviews option. The admin will review the reviews and if they are accepted, they will be published on the website. If they are rejected, they will not be published.

All Payment Gateway

All Payment Gateway options Here are all the payment Gateways on the website, both online Gateway and manual payments Gateway. If you keep the payment gateways active, they will be shown to the users, and if you keep them inactive, they will not be shown. In the Create Manual Payment Gateway option, you can add unlimited manual payment gateways and in the crypto manual gateway, you can add any crypto address or wallet by editing it, USDT or BTC or anything else. Customize your payment Gateway as per your needs, just by editing and updating.

Paypal, Stripe, Coinpayments, VougePay Moille Nowpayments Flutterwave Paystack you can manage Payment Gateway . and this dynamic so you can easily set up all the things.

You go to Gateway option and provide your gateway real information and update it. Then gateway real will work. We have provided all the test key information.

Manual Payments

In the Manual Payment Options, you can see a list of all manual payments Pending made by users. You can specifically view the user's payment details and Accept them if it is correct or Reject payments if they are incorrect.

Manage Deposit

There are two types of deposit gateways, one is an online gateway and the other is a manual gateway. If the customer makes a deposit using the online gateways , the deposit will be made directly.

In the Manual Manage Deposit, you can see a list of all Manage Deposit payments Pending made by users. You can specifically view the user's Manage Deposit payment details and Accepted it if it is correct or Rejected payments it if it is incorrect.

Manage Withdraw

Four options are available in the Manage withdraw option. 1. Withdraw method, 2. Pending withdraws, 3. Accepted withdraws, 4 . Rejected withdraws .

  • Withdraw method
  • In the Withdraw method option, you will see a button called Add withdraw method , from there you can create the withdraw method as you wish and you can edit, Update , delete and Inactive the active Withdraw method .

  • Pending withdraws, Accepted withdraws, Rejected withdraws
  • All users' withdraws requests will be recorded and Pending withdraws options will be submitted or listed. Admin will check the account details and then can accept or reject. If admin accept, then it will move from pending option to Accepted withdraws option and if it rejects, then it will move to Rejected withdraws option.

    All report

    The all report manu in the Admin dashboard provides a detailed record of all Payment reports, Withdraw reports, Transaction reports made on the website. It helps the admin track successful Payment reports, Withdraw reports, Transaction reports and any issues that need attention. This reports ensures accurate financial reporting, aids in resolving payment-related queries, and enhances transparency in managing customer payments.

    Email Manager

    Email manager option, 2 options available, Email configure and Email templates. You can edit and update your emails and notifications in the Email template if you want.

    There are 2 Email method in the Email configure: - 1: Phpmail, 2 :Smtp mail . To use Phpmail, you just need seleted Phpmail next set your server email and click the Update email configuration button. server email example :

    To use SMTP mail, first you need to select SMTP mail. Then you need to fill in the options that you will see. The information must be specific email information for your server email.

    Manage Settings

    The available options in the Manage settings option are General settings, Preload setting, Google Analytics, Socialite setting, Cookie consent, Google Recaptcha, and Global SEO Manager..

  • General settings
  • From the General setting, you can set, Site name , Site currency, Primary color , and Sign up bonus , Timezone , Copyright text, logo icon and all login User registra image and You can customize it as per your wish and click on the Update General button to save it . Another option in General Settings is Nexmo SMS. You need to login to your Nexmo account and set the Nexmo API key and Nexmo secret and then Update General button to save it

    There are three button in the general settings: Email verification on, Sms verification on, andUser registration. You can turn on any of them if you want to allow them, and you can turn them off or on by clicking on the button.

  • Preloader setting
  • If you are showing the Preloader website, select this yes and update it. If you are not showing it on the website, select No and update it.

  • Google analytics
  • If you need Google analytic, paste the your Analytics id here and select Yes then update. If you don't need it, select No and update.

  • Socialite setting
  • This option allows users to login and register via Google email and Facebook account . If you want to use this option, you need to add Google client id and Facebook client id and Facebook callback url and update it with Active Status. If you don't want to use it, you can Inactive it.

  • Cookie consent
  • You can turn the Allow cookie modal on or off by selecting Yes or No and you can change the contents in the cookie text button and save the cookie . You can also customize it. cookie modal short description

  • Google recaptcha
  • If you want to use Google recaptcha on your website, select Yes on the select button and set the Recaptcha key and Recaptcha secret and click on the Update button. If you want to turn it off, select No and update.

  • Global seo manager
  • You can type different types of keyword content here that will help with your website's SEO.

    Manage Language

    Step 1:

    In Manage language, you can add or delete languages ​As you wish and if necessary, if you want to add a new language, then first you have to click on the Create Language button and then see the language name and language short code. After typing the language name and language short code, click on the create button. Your new language will be created.

    Step 2:

    You go back to the Manage Page option and Set your page name. If you don't want the breadcrumb section, adjust the breadcrumb status accordingly. Select the language under which you want to create the new page. write an SEO description for the page and click the Add page button. Successfully, the page has been created under your language.

    Step 3:

    Go back to the Manage Pages option . select the language which under you created the new page. Then you will be able to view the page. Click on the content button and it will take you to a new page. On that page, arrange the page as you wish and click on the save button,

    Step 4:

    Click on the content button and it will take you to a new page. On that page, Customize the page as you wish and click on the save button, then click on the back button to return to the admin dashboard.

    Type the content according to the language under which you created the page.You won't be able to edit content in some sections of the default design we've made for you, so you'll have to leave it as is.

    How to translate content that you could not translate from this page ::

    After successfully completing the language create page create and page customization and menu customization,Then you go to the website on your frontend and select the new language .you select and reload it. Then you come back to the admin dashboard and you will see a translate button your new language next you can Click on translate button it. Then you can view the English or default content of your website.

    Then you will see all your default content there. You need to translate the content. You must translate specific content. You will get specific. Update your translation according to the language you created.

    You could not translate some content in the page customize option.You can translate those contents from here. admin dashboard user dashboard can translate. Then your language will work.

    Customize the page image update delete

    Step 5:

    Go back to the Manage menu option . Select the language you want to organize the menu under.After selecting the language, you can view the pages under the language. You can easily drag and drop menu items from left to right to configure the header menus and Footer manu according to your preferences and click the save button.

    You have successfully setup the language and page, now if you go to the frontend of the website and change the language, you will be able to see your website. The language is working properly.

    Please watch in this video you can add or delete languages ​As you wish and if necessary

    Manage page

    Dynamic content management is provided by the Manage page in the Admin panel, which enables administrators to quickly update and change page content as necessary. By inserting section blocks, you can add different items, such as text, images, and videos, and alter layouts. This adaptability guarantees that your website stays interesting and dynamic, enabling you to react swiftly to modifications and efficiently convey information to your users. Additionally, you can improve your site's search engine presence while keeping it user-friendly by using SEO-friendly URL prefixes.

    Customize the page video

    Step 1:

    Manage Page option and Set your page name. If you don't want the breadcrumb section, adjust the breadcrumb status accordingly. Select the language under which you want to create the new page. write an SEO description for the page and click the Add page button. Successfully, the page has been created under your language.

    Step 3:

    Go back to the Manage Pages option . select the language which under you created the new page. Then you will be able to view the page. Click on the content button and it will take you to a new page. On that page, arrange the page as you wish and click on the save button,

    Step 4:

    Click on the content button and it will take you to a new page. On that page, Customize the page as you wish and click on the save button, then click on the back button to return to the admin dashboard.

    Customize the page image update delete

    Step 5:

    Go back to the Manage menu option . Select the language you want to organize the menu under.After selecting the language, you can view the pages under the language. You can easily drag and drop menu items from left to right to configure the header menus and Footer manu according to your preferences and click the save button.

    You have successfully setup the language and page, now if you go to the frontend of the website and change the language, you will be able to see your website. The language is working properly.

    Manage menu

    The admin can easily inspect and arrange the generated menu list using the Manage Menu tool in the Admin panel. To customize the header or footer menus to your liking, simply drag and drop menu items from left to right. Because of this versatility, you may make unique menus and include external connections to improve the front-end navigation and user experience. The structure of your website will be customized to your needs thanks to this user-friendly management system, which also makes it simpler for visitors to locate pertinent content. .

    You can easily drag and drop menu items from left to right to configure the header menus according to your preferences and click the save button.

    You can easily drag and drop menu items from left to right to configure the footer menus according to your preferences and click the save button.

    Manage section

    The Manage section feature in the Admin panel allows admin to write and customize content for section on the pages . You can customize the contents of the non editable area from here as you wish. You can easily making it simple to tailor each section to your needs.

    Footer Section

    If you want, you can put content in the footer section. You can customize the content from the footer section and add text links by creating buttons. To add a link, First select the text you want to add a link to. click the insert link icon and set the link you need there, then insert the link Then click the update button below and it will work.

    Frontend Footer

    Support Ticket

    This is very important , a user can take support from this ticket system and admin can easily answer in the reply section. morover you can also attach the media files too.

    Newsletter Subscriber

    Here you can manage Newsletter Subscriber and list all emails here

    softnir Support

    We can only provide free installation support on cPanel powered web hosting. If you are unable to install, please contact us . support email:

    Whatsapp Number: +88 018573-19149